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the gathering place palm beach gardens

Lock In!

Date: Friday, November 18th to Saturday the 19th Time: 8pm – 8am What: a variety of fun activities, games, movies, and lots of food! Where:… Read More »Lock In!

Camp Day 5 – Closure

Yet, at some point, the labyrinth ends, and you must exit back into the world that you left.
Not unlike the labyrinth, the kids are getting ready to leave camp.
They’ve been in a place of reflection and contemplation at camp, but now it is time to go.

Camp Day 4 – Messy

Screams of fright and delight from the far field?  A counselor rambling obscure directions of a megaphone that no one is listening to?  That’s right, the day has arrived
Messy Games day!

Camp Day 3 – Team building

Walk out to the furthest cabins you can find, then keep walking.  Go to a giant field full of blind mosquitoes.  Swat them away and then keep walking.  Go to the tree line, and there you’ll see it:
the Challenge Course entry sign.

Camp Day 2 – Adrenaline

That’s what they seem to be running on today: adrenaline.  In their excitement from Day 1, I am sure they stayed up way too late and got up much earlier than they wanted to.   After all, new friendships needed to be made, and what better place than a cabin at camp?

Camp Roundup – Day 1: A Return (Sort of) to Normal.

No, things are not quite yet back to normal, but hints of days-gone-by began to creep in. The usual stop at a Turnpike plaza, the long queue to register only seemed to annoy the adults because the kids were already having fun. Camp was starting to feel a little more normal this year.