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Camp Day 3 – Team building

Walk out to the furthest cabins you can find, then keep walking.  Go to a giant field full of blind mosquitoes.  Swat them away and then keep walking.  Go to the tree line, and there you’ll see it:
the Challenge Course entry sign.

Camp Day 2 – Adrenaline

That’s what they seem to be running on today: adrenaline.  In their excitement from Day 1, I am sure they stayed up way too late and got up much earlier than they wanted to.   After all, new friendships needed to be made, and what better place than a cabin at camp?

Camp Roundup – Day 1: A Return (Sort of) to Normal.

No, things are not quite yet back to normal, but hints of days-gone-by began to creep in. The usual stop at a Turnpike plaza, the long queue to register only seemed to annoy the adults because the kids were already having fun. Camp was starting to feel a little more normal this year.